Yeah, I’m back.

Yes, by all means be sure that your young daughter hears and takes to heart every word Donald Trump says about women. Make sure that your young daughter is body shamed by a man who views women as ornamental objects and told if they don’t meet his standards they are worthless. Certainly she won’t hear enough of that from society, the tabloids, the fashion industry, her own peers. Let her know that if she’s strong and stands up for herself men will call her a bitch and worse. Make sure she knows it’s okay to have her health care decisions taken away from her. Make sure she is very aware that her normal body functions should be mocked and used against her in the work place.

And perhaps you should also make sure your young daughter knows that anything the man in her life does is all her fault. If he cheats on her, it’s because she wasn’t “enough” of something. Not sexy enough, not beautiful enough, not thin enough.
Just not enough. That’s always good for her to hear. Make sure she understands that choosing to stay in a marriage after a soul-crushing disappointment is a cop out, and that love and forgiveness have no place in a marriage. Oh, and if the man cheats but then marries the woman he’s cheating with, that’s okay. No need to stay in the marriage and try to work through the problems just because there is a child involved. Just find someone else and then another someone else and it will all be fine.

And by all means don’t let her enjoy the fruits of her labors. That’s just showing off. Even if she came up from humble beginnings she can’t possibly understand the plight of working women because she’s wearing “nicer” clothing than you are. And make sure your
daughter knows that “things” are more important than people. And that words don’t matter. It’s okay that a man can buy expensive suits and live in golden palaces in the sky, because he will give the honest working man everything he needs and wants. He understands struggle and poverty, really he does, as he
screws over the honest and hard working people who have worked for him by not paying them what they are owed. A woman can’t possibly be expected to have that kind of empathy and understanding for others.

Make sure she knows that her outward appearance is everything, and the person she is on the inside is worth nothing because that’s the way to build a strong, confident human being who can make this world a better place. Make sure that she knows it’s okay to mock her appearance. When you can’t win an argument by substance be sure to post an unflattering picture of her and point to that as a descriptor of the worth of a woman.

Yes, indeed. That is a role model for all young women.

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